Savage Worlds Episode 11

So I am not sure what exactly happened during yesterday’s adventure.  I think that the players were punishing me for being about 20 minutes late.  I tried to be on time, but I needed to go to the bank and get a burrito.  There was a long line at the bank, and for some reason, […]

Dungeon Crawl Classics 03

So the Party met last night again, at Dice Age Games.  This time, we had Daron and his fiance, Summer, along with a guest appearance from Mike.  Jason had to work.  We were bummed about that, but between Eric, Loren, Matthew, Daron, Summer and Mike, there was plenty of party members to die off. So I briefed […]

Savage Worlds Episode 10

So it was a quiet day for Savage Worlds.  Eric was busy with a garage sale.  He told us that he needed to be at the sale to make sure his wife didn’t sell any of his good stuff.  Daron had some prior engagements, and Loren and Robert were still gardening.  Hmmm. Sue, Gavin and […]

Dungeon Crawl Classics 02

So the party continued on from last week.  Well, kind of.  The adventure began with most of the people showing up to play at our normal game store.  But, the evil store owner was trying to prepare for his latest mind control release of Magic the Gathering, another evil spew of expensive cards from the […]

Some more minis

Some new minis.  GW Plaguebearers of Nurgle.  Assembled, trimmed up and primed. Some people complain about GW minis.  Some are stupidly expensive, but as for some of the armies, you can get each rank and file mini for somewhere between $3 and $5 per mini.  The detail is good.   Now, once you get into […]

Savage Worlds Episode 09

So the party finally gets back together after several weekends off.  Savage Worlds is back on the menu for Saturdays!  Well, most of the party is here.  Daron has a life.  He is getting married, so he is off doing things with his fiance.  He would like to play, but life is interfering with his […]

Dungeon Crawl Classics 01

What can I say about DCC?  Well, pretty much it is chock full of awesomeness.  After the group talking a long time about playing, Loren ran a one-shot of a 0 level funnel – which we never finished.  And then an epic amount of time passes, while we played GURPS, Firefly universe using Deadlands Classic […]